Thursday, September 16, 2010

Labor Day

The first question I asked when I scheduled my surgery was "Am I going to feel well enough to have a BBQ at my house for Labor Day?".  I'm pretty sure I overdid it those first few days after surgery, as evidenced by the break from walking that I had to take while walking the mall in search of a gift or the crazy pain that didn't show up until 5 days after the surgery.  But I had things to do and no pesky surgery was gonna be cramping my style.  First item of business was Ryleigh's 9th birthday party.  She had an Alice in Wonderland themed party complete with tea and croquet.  The girls had fun and I got hang out with a lot of my friends, too.  Monday was the BBQ, and I cleaned all day to be ready, while Kevin grocery shopped and cut the grass.  We had 25 or so people come over, mostly work pals.  Everyone brought something and fun was had by all.  A great weekend, all things considered.  And of course, missing from all pics is me...but trust me, I was looking HOT!!  

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Potentially More Exciting Than The White Boxes...

Is the fact the Denler Estate is now both done with diapers and baby sized potties!  We have replaced Josie's little potty with a new big potty seat that has two different size seats.  It's been a real win-win for us all.  I got to reclaim the square foot of space that the baby potty took up, and officially resign my post as Waste Transporter.  Josie gets to be a big girl and never has to worry about forgetting toilet paper (the location of her potty chair was not in arms length of toilet paper).  One step closer to Josie growing up...that's good, right?

Monday, September 6, 2010

I'm an organ down...

Not a lot of time here today, as we are preparing for a Labor Day BBQ.  But, I did want to update you on my surgery.  More of a 'hey, I had surgery' than an update really.  I had had some mystery stomach issue for years, wherein I felt like I was dying.  It was finally determined that my gallbladder was the culprit.  I had it removed last Thursday, and have been on the mend since.  Liv made me promise not to show any pictures of my cut up stomach region, so I won't.  There are four incisions, all about an inch long.  All in all, the recovery has been ok.  The incisions don't hurt at all.  My guts feel like they were on the losing end of a boxing match, so thank goodness for a little pain medication!  I'll be back at work on Tuesday, consuming no fat while my body learns to digest without the ol' times!