Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sunday was Zootastic!

We had been talking about rounding up our kids and the Stewart kids and any other interested parties for a zoo day--and Sunday was it.  We decided that Saturday night--it was kinda touch and go there for awhile due to weather and stomach virus, but as it turns out the weather could not have been better and not only were we sickness free, we were also fuss and whine free.  The kids had a blast and got along great and even the little kids did ok with no nap (Josie's naptime commenced 2.1 seconds after leaving the zoo parking lot).   We went to the Caldwell Zoo in Tyler, TX.  As this was Josie's first zoo trip, naturally I commemorated the event by taking 163 pictures of the event.  Thankfully, I realize that you, my avid readers, are largely uninterested in seeing pictures of random animals such as coati and bongoes.  I have kept all of the pictures as people related as possible.  Anyway, besides my family and the Stewarts we also went with my brother in law, his son Cole and Heather (long time friend of Robyn).  Liv was really excited to have cousin Cole along for the trip and they ran way ahead of the crowd with good ol' Uncle Rick.  On the rare occasion that I caught up with her, I tried to snap a picture.  I did get her in one of my fave zoo areas--the Wild Bird Walkabout.  I'm not sure how wild we can call parakeets, but never the less for $1/seed covered popsicle stick you too can feed wild birds.  These birds are serious eaters.  Liv loved it until none of the birds wanted to be pet in the face and then she was out of there.  Josie was into it, with assistance.  Josie did love goat petting and even shared her stick with goats without insisting she get it back.  If you knew how much Josie loved sticks and how little she likes sharing (unless it's her idea, of course), you would also be overwhelmed by the cuteness of that event.  Lunch was fun--the cafe is set in Africa right by the giraffes and elephants--my lunchmates, if you will.  I could go on and explain what cute things Josie said as she saw each animal but I won't.  This was a really great day--one truly worthy of 163 pictures!

1 comment:

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