Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We say goodbye to Josie's mullet and a living room wall

'll start with the whole in the wall since those pics are on top.  I told you we had nothing else to is the result (not end result, but so far) of that boredom.  The next step is to run some new wires for lighting and electrical outlets and then finish framing in the opening, and add trim.  Hopefully this happens soon.  About Josie's mullet--I was holding out hope that her layer of hair that is supposed to be growing under the hair she has would start to grow.  This hasn't happened and she has the undershave that is the envy of all.  Hey, at least she's cool in the summertime, right?  Anyway, enough was enough said her dad--and off to Robyn we went. Josie has had her haircut before but nevertheless, she cried through the entire cut.  The end result is miraculously straight and super cute.  Here's hoping the undershave grows in soon....And by the way, these pics were taken this morning (especially for Dani) and Josie was still in pajamas...she isn't normally in oversized t-shirts!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Introducing the new family photo wall....

We had nothing to do today.  No birthday parties to attend, no errands, nothing.  We were sitting around trying to think of something to do and we came up with the idea to move our family photo wall and cut a whole in the old photo wall to have a big window into the kitchen.  So, we spent the morning emptying and rearranging cabinets and moving pictures around and then this afternoon Kevin tore out the old cabinets.  Tomorrow the whole is of that soon to follow.  Not to pat my own back, but do take a quick second to check out my framed last name--I drove around Shreveport and took pictures of things that looked like the last letters of my name, printed and framed them....Fancy Nancy you can call me......

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's Eve

I took zero pictures on NYE.  We were separated so that was probably why.  We got a fantastic array of fireworks, and then the plan for the evening was for me and Liv to go to the Rhynards house to hang with them and the Stewarts.  Josie was gonna be in bed, and Kevin was sick and didn't feel like doing anything.  We tried to do some fireworks before Liv and I left--just some sparklers and a roman candle, but Josie thought that was a pretty horrible idea, so it was short lived.  After she went to bed, Liv and I left.  We ate hot dogs and played Rock Band and lit fireworks until 1 am.  Liv was asleep before we left the neighborhood.  When we got home she asked me if it was ok if she went straight to sleep, as though I would have picked that time as ideal for a good room cleaning.  She was so tired but proud that she got to stay up so late.  She is still playing catch up from her late night.....

I think that catches everyone up on the Denlers....Liv is out of school this week so we have been trying to stay busy--lots of wagon rides, Sci-Port, slumber parties, pizza night, science experiments, and trampoline jumping....

Christmas Part 3

Home at last, we are nearly ten hours into Christmas celebration.  The girls put on their new matching pj's--which I am sure netted them both a better stash from Santa.  Liv picked out cookies for Santa, we poured the milk and we were bedtime bound.  Santa did great this year--Josie got a great kitchen and puzzles and a train.  Liv got a Nintendo DS, easy bake oven, and tons of books.  We made cinnamon rolls for breakfast and stayed in our pj's all day to play with all the new stuff we got.  

Christmas Part 2

So, our next stop was my moms house.  As soon as we got there baby Josie had to take a nap.  While that was happening Liv, my mom, and I made cookies.  We all had fun and Liv insisted that I include the close up pic of her favorite cookie.  When that was done, Josie woke up and dinner was soon after that.  We brought all of our family presents to open at moms house.  Josie got a Moon for her room, so even on cloudy nights she can tell the moon night night, and Liv got the science kit she really wanted and clothes and art stuff and a puppet theater.  So, fun was had by all and everyone was worn out--perfect for bedtime so Santa could visit.  We loaded up and went home to prepare......continued in Part 3.

Christmas Part 1

Sorry it has taken me so long to blog our holidays, we really had a great time and I have no excuse for the delay.  I got to see the Rockettes with my mom a few weeks ago so there are also some pics from that.  Our Christmas started on the 24th with Kevin's family.  We met at Monjunis (b/c nothing says Christmas dinner like lasagna, right?) for lunch--there were 13 of us.  Our Italian lunch also explains why Josie is a stained mess in every other picture for the day.  After that everyone caravaned over to our house to open presents.  The Denlers are funny present openers--every present is doled out to its recipient and then the presents are opened in order from oldest to youngest.  When it is your turn, you open all your presents while the whole family watches.  That went well, I think everyone got stuff they actually liked and will use--which can't be said for every year.  After that, we had to load up our car to caravan out to my moms house for my family Christmas....which leads me to part 2....