Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blogging Delay Explained

So, you all (all 5 of my faithful readers) may have noticed that I totally missed the month of February in BlogLand.  It wasn't my fault.  A pipe burst in my kitchen.  Here's what the house looked like shortly after:

The floor for the entire house had to come out, which made the place inhabitable.  This means we had a POD put in our driveway to hold all of belongings that touch the floor and I got to move my family to a hotel.  Mini vacay, right?  Wrong.  I did not anticipate a SIX WEEK long stint in the hotel, so it was a real downer that I only packed clothes for about 4 days.  That's a lot of quarters spend in the coin operated machines at The Palace (what Josie calls all hotels).  I also did not anticipate the asbestos removal that had to happen at my house.  Here's where my family lived for 6 weeks:

Don't get me wrong--this was a nice place that came equipped with 3 TVs, 2 bedrooms and a bathroom the same size as the home we vacated.  It just wasn't as conveniently located and we didn't have all of our stuff.  I really like my stuff, as it turns out.  Next up in the list of things I did not anticipate is my cabinets still being 'saturated' (fancy insurance word) after a month of dry time.  That meant that this happened next:

That's right--total kitchen gutting.  Like down to the studs.  Outside of the huge hassle this is, the ktichen is going to be about 10,000 times more awesome than it was.  Rest in peace, paneling, poorly textured walls, and butcher block laminate countertops.  Kevin and I designed a kitchen and got cabinets from IKEA:
We have been back in the house for a week now, and the majority of the house is fixed, complete with new baseboards (upgrade!)  The kitchen has new sheetrock that has been painted.  The cabinets are ready to be installed, and Monday our tile guy is scheduled to come in to do the backsplash and floor.  That means that this time next week, my appliances can come back inside and I don't have to walk to my detached garage to get the kids a Capri Sun.  Winning!  The new floor, baseboard and current state of the kitchen:

So, that;s my update for now.  Super excited to post completed kitchen pics!

1 comment:

Ree said...

Happy to see the blog again. Lovely princess-like shot of Josie. Happy memories (yes, we make them too...)of the Gramma birthday bash.