Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wherein the white boxes take over my life...

So, in the space of a few weeks, my family has been transformed from PC to Mac.  100% Mac.  We meant to buy the mini--to be used mainly as a home entertainment center for streaming movies.  Once we got that, we realized it was pretty fun to use the TV as a monitor, which 'required' us to get Apple's wireless keyboard and track pad.  We thought we were done there.  But then!  Then I had a team building meeting at work that turned my competitive and memory skills to good use.  I won the exercise, but had no idea the prize was going to be an iPad!!  Yes, my job gave me an iPad!  For five minutes of effort!  Most profitable day of work EVER!  Have I also mentioned that Kevin and I have iphone 4s on order.  So, August 2010 is going down as Mac Month.  You're welcome, Steve Jobs, enjoy dinner on us....

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Last Hurrah of Summer

School starts in around 36 hours, and to celebrate the end of summer Robyn and I took our big girls to Watertown for the day.  We spent almost 6 hours at the park, and the girls had a blast.  We did it all--lazy river, big slides, little slides, wave pool, and regular pool.  We got there when the park opened, so for just a few minutes we had the wave pool all to ourselves.  Dani--this should be reminding you of your magazines cover from last publication!  The girls poses in these pictures is really hilarious to me.  Wish we had taken more pics, but we were pretty busy soaking up the vitamin D....

Monday, August 9, 2010

Grandma and the Girls Meets Gators

Grandma had been planning to do the 'ol gator park sometime this summer, and this is Liv's last full week of summer break--so this had to be the week.  Grandma picked the girls up early in the afternoon (but after naptime-Grandma is no fool!) and off they went.  It is super hot here, but Grandma beat the heat with some wet, fresh out of the fridge washrags for the girls.  Clever, I thought.  The girls got to watch the alligators being fed,  and feed and pet lots of animals in the petting zoo.  There was even a 6 week old camel there.  The ladies also enjoyed riding ponies.  Josie hasn't yet grasped the idea of giving her dolls and things names, so when Grandma suggested giving her pony a name (Princess was Grandma's suggestion)-Josie said, "he has a name-it's Pony".   Which means that I should be calling her 'Girl'or something, right?  Anyway, fun was had by all (even Liv, who is harder and harder to impress these days).  Pretty jealous that I was stuck at work!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Hallway Addition

When Kevin and I went to Dallas for our anniversary weekend we went to IKEA (surprise) and came out with this kit to hang pictures.  We didn't really have a plan when we got it, but here's what we came up with.  Our wedding pictures moved to the end of the hall, and we picked 6 pictures that we loved.  We had those printed in black and white, and hung 'em up!  I kinda feel like I'm walking through a museum display of my family...and I love it!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Momma's Got A Brand New Header And Layout

Pretty exciting things going on here at All Funny, All The Time.  I had been using the previous layout for a long time, but luckily I have a fantastically creative friend who made from scratch the header you see today.  Dani, of asked me for some inspiration and all I gave her was Mary Engelbreit and the subway.  I really love what she came up with, and picked a layout that would complement it.  So, thanks Dani!!  I feel like the fanciest girl in town!!

In other news, total fail at getting back in the habit of always carrying my camera and photographing my every day moments.  We have been busy lately with birthday parties (for the young and old), new friends, Kevin and I had a wedding anniversary, a random Monday night trip to Chuck E. Cheese and lots more.  I promise to get better about the pictures....