Sunday, April 4, 2010

Olivia, Bobcat Expert

All of 2nd grade was asked to pick an animal--any animal--to become an expert of and report back.  Reporting back involved researching your animal at home and school, making a visual aid, writing a report and preparing a presentation for your class.  Liv chose the bobcat, she says she doesn't know why she picked but it was the first thing that came to mind when it was time to sign up.  Liv had to research (using that term fairly loosely, as our only reference was Wikipedia) the bobcat to find out thing like where it lives, what it eats, and interesting characteristics.  Her report was almost four pages long, which was pretty brutal for Olivia--hater of beautiful handwriting.  She and I battled all week long to make sure everything was neat and punctuation was used correctly.  This project is 40% of her science grade for the nine weeks, and Liv is trying to extend her straight A's streak.  The poster was the most fun to make (I am awesome at 2nd grade).  The initial idea was my idea--with the tree and grass, but Liv did cut out the grass and leaves and glue everything to the paper.  It is done now and will be turned in tomorrow...fingers crossed that she remembers the definition of 'tufted' for her presentation (the bobcat has tufted ears, it was Liv's fave thing she learned about the bobcat).  

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