Friday, March 26, 2010

Long time no blog...lots of changes

So, I don't remember the last time I have had such a big break between blogs, but this time I have a good reason!  I got a job, and have been training in Dallas for the week.  I am working at ReachLocal, and yes I meant to put the words together.  My job has a pretty fancy title--Campaign Performance Analyst.  It's gonna be awesome and my first week out of the house and in real clothes has gone well.  It was probably good that I went away for the first week,  kind of like quitting cold turkey my stay at home mom gig.  Also, in the last week Josie has decided that using the big girl potty is awesome, she uses the potty every time and is wearing big girl panties all the time (except overnight when use a pull up as a precaution).  Part of her decision to use the potty was made partly because she started preschool this week and her teacher didn't give her an option to sit on the potty or not and all of her new friends were doing it.  No matter the reason, I am proud and relieved.  I've always said that I wouldn't be to worried about it until she turned three--my worry has set in since her birthday is just a week away, but it seems like we've made it.  Olivia will be joining Josie at the daycare after school since YEP was such a depressing place to be.  Not going back to YEP was Liv's one condition before giving her approval of my new job.  Kevin is having to change up his routine a bit also--I don't get off until 6, and the kids have to be picked up before then, so he will be in charge of that.  

That's about all for now--I feel like I am kinda all over the place, but I have been in training classes/study groups for about 12 hours a day this week-so I guess I'm entitled to a little bit of that.  Kevin and Josie came to Dallas Thursday night to hang out with me, so we are staying through Saturday.  Kevin took Josie to the Dallas Aquarium today while I was in training.  Once we get home, I'll be working on stuff for Josie's birthday party next weekend...

Ok, really that's all...

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