Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Your welcome, in advance, for me not having any potty pictures...

Well, I never thought we would get here knew it would happen eventually.  Josie loves the bathroom--bath time, washing hands, brushing teeth all of it.  She has had a her sized potty in the bathroom for what seems like forever, and likes the process of sitting on the potty, wiping and flushing.  Until now, there has just never been anything to wipe or flush.  She is very supportive and proud of me when I put my tee tee in the potty (every time, thank you very much!), but she is not grossed out at all by sitting in a dirty diaper.  Anyway, she started going to a Mother's Day Out program last October, and I suppose peer pressure finally broke her down.  Today at school, Josie went to the potty two times...coming home to me in the same dry diaper she left me in the morning.  Amazing.  For this feat, she was given 2 M&Ms by her teachers.  I've offfered the kid every award imaginable, so in the end I guess she wanted to see what all the fuss was about.  We called Daddy and Grandma to report the news.  I hope from here that Josie will want to keep it up. When I laid her down for a nap I told her I was going to get her potty candy ready, and she told me to have a lot for her so she could potty a lot.  Perfect plan!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dear Winter, I hate you.

So, the same brutally cold weather that caused this, also caused my electric bill to more than double. Ugh.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Moonlighting in Architecture

All of the second graders at Liv's school have to participate in Community Day to get a good grade in Social Studies for the second nine weeks. We were instructed to pick any building in our town and then build a replica of it and dress as a character of someone who works in the building for the Community Parade. We got the assignment right before our Christmas break started and it was due last Friday. Liv chose a local hospital..which was great because my nurse/teacher mom had the perfect stuff for the dressing up part. Liv and I took pictures of the hospital then set off to Hobby Lobby to procure hospital building supplies. Poppy went with us, and thank goodness--the windows were his idea. We spray painted the back side of a sheet of plexiglass black and cut into strips. So, we hospital windows that looked tinted and everything. We used scrapbook papers for the roof, sides, and parking lot. I saved a diaper box to use for the building. We added details like the helipad, ambulance, and parking lot lines at Liv's request and printed out pictures of the hospital sign to use on our hospital. Friday Liv took her work to school and got to present it to the class before the parade started. I'm pretty sure Liv (and I) got an A....

Friday, January 8, 2010

I missed Wordless Wednesday...and no words is hard for me anyway

These pictures started off to be for Grandma--we needed to document Josie in her new Disney Princess jammies. But Liv needed it to turn into more than just documentation and went straight into her modeling poses. The funny faces are my favorite--Josie is just trying to copy her sister, but Liv's face is her trying to say 'off the hook'...get it--she's a fish on a hook. Trust me, that is comedy of the highest form to second graders.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hello 2010!!

Happy New Year, everyone! Kevin and I rang in the new year with a huge group of people. The party we at was super fancy..complete with photographer, chef, bartenders, DJ, body paint person ( www.facesalive.com), and psychics. Fun all around....I didn't take any pictures of the night, but wish I would have....

The girls got to do their fireworks (well, Olivia anyway) the next night because we had to wait for the rain to go away. We just did a few sparklers, and poppers and the only thing Josie came outside for were the colored smoke ball things.

Today we took the kids to Kid City and did a cookout at home for lunch and then to round out the day we went to Chuck E. Cheese. This is Liv's last night of vacation....tomorrow is our first school night in what seems like forever. And she won't have another extended break for almost two months...so we finished our break with a bang!